How to Help

  • oin a support group – by sharing experiences within a group you can learn new ways of coping
  • Read – study the subject. We can suggest books that you might find helpful
  • Don’t focus on food, talk about other things
  • Don’t put the blame on the sufferer – this only makes things worse
  • Use “I” statements rather than “you” statements – for example, “I am upset” rather than “you are making me get upset”
  • Listen – spend time listening, avoid speaking about your own experiences
  • Remember, you are an individual too and have your own life. If the anorexic/bulimic person seems to be controlling your life as well as theirs, take time out and try and see why this is happening
  • Encourage openness within your family or social group – look at the rules and norms – are they positive? Are they too rigid?
  • Treat the anorexic/bulimic person with respect and stand back, allowing them to take responsibility for their actions
  • Accept and love the person for what they are and not what you would like them to be of who you think they ought to be
  • Remember: RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE; it takes time and hard work. Don’t give up

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